

英漢字典: high and dry

high and dry   (TTS發音)

1. up above the water;beyond the reach of splashing or waves在水面 之上;在水濺不到的地方

    The fishermen dragged the boats up high and dry on the shore. 漁 民們把船拖上岸來了。

    When the tide went out the boat was high and dry. 退潮後船就擱淺 了。

2. without anyone to help;alone and with no help孤立無援;與世 隔絕

    Old Jack lost his pension and was left high and dry. 傑克老頭失去 了養老金,落得無依無靠。

    At first the other boys helped, but when the work got hard, Bob found himself high and dry. 起初 有許多孩子幫忙,但是工作難度 加大時,鮑勃發現只剩下自己孤 立無援。

    Realizing that he was now left high and dry, the enemy commander became so panicstricken that he began to tremble fr head to foot. 敵軍看到自己陷入孤立無援的絕境,不禁驚恐萬狀,渾身打顫。

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